Icarus Paragliding

Our Guide Answers Your Top Questions

Posuere sapien volutpat ut facilisis nulla at est ornare, vitae pharetra lectus hendrerit. Pellentesque sit amet vulputate ligula. Nullam suscipit hendrerit metus, et blandit tellus fermentum ut. Aenean leo quam, hendrerit nec ante in, malesuada pellentesque mauris. Aliquam lectus sapien, dapibus eu sodales imperdiet, pretium in turpis. Proin bibendum mauris sit amet nulla lacinia varius. […]

Amazing Bucket List Adventure Ideas

Justo rutrum vel posuere sapien volutpat. Ut facilisis nulla at est ornare, vitae pharetra lectus hendrerit. Pellentesque sit amet vulputate ligula. Nullam suscipit hendrerit metus, et blandit tellus fermentum ut. Aenean leo quam, hendrerit nec ante in, malesuada pellentesque mauris. Aliquam lectus sapien, dapibus eu sodales imperdiet, pretium in turpis. Proin bibendum mauris sit amet […]

Planning Your Canoeing Adventure

Mauris id sapien nec neque luctus consequat quis sed tellus. Phasellus blandit eros at justo rutrum, vel posuere sapien volutpat. Ut facilisis nulla at est ornare, vitae pharetra lectus hendrerit. Pellentesque sit amet vulputate ligula. Nullam suscipit hendrerit metus, et blandit tellus fermentum ut. Aenean leo quam, hendrerit nec ante in, malesuada pellentesque mauris. Aliquam […]

Paragliding accident in Cape Town

Sadly there was a paragliding accident in Cape Town on Monday. The Cape Times reported “Tandem paraglider crashes into concrete wall” they also incorrectly state “Icarus Tandem Paragliding the company involved, said yesterday they would not be making a statement on the incident”. We have asked The Cape Times to publish a retraction. Regardless of which […]

Icarus Paragliding wishes you a Merry Christmas

Icarus Paragliding wishes all their passengers and agents a Merry Christmas – Jacques, John, Carlos, Jean, Lizaan and Louise Carlos enjoyed his first South African Christmas with Jacques and Louise, hopefully the first of many.

Downhill Adventures goes Paragliding

The lovely French Girlz from Downhill Adventures shared the sky with Icarus Paragliding. “Thank you very much for letting us fly yesterday! it was really exceptional ! Please find in the attachment the Best pictures of us with the amazing Carlos in the Air. :D”

Paragliding in Cape Town

Join us tandem paragliding in Cape Town, Table Mountain is magical from the air. Be adventurous book your tandem paragliding flight today, Icarus Paragliding would love to share the sky with you.

Two Oceans Aquarium Cape Town

The Two Oceans Aquarium Cape Town is one of our favourite places. How gorgeous is this Loggerhead Turtle? Do you know that they can weigh up to 125kgs? Too heavy to go tandem paragliding.

Paragliding in Cape Town

Paragliding in Cape Town has got to be one of the best adrenaline rushes that you will ever experience. Share the sky with us, book a tandem paragliding flight and see Table Mountain from a different perspective.

Brothers paragliding from Signal Hill

Jacques and Stephen were spotted paragliding from Signal Hill on Sunday, they snuck in a quick flight before thick clouds changed flying conditions.

Icarus Paragliding mascot

Sunday was such a long day waiting for the wind to change that even the Icarus Paragliding mascot collapsed in a heap.  

Hello Sea Point Promenade

Hello Sea Point Promenade, the place where sunsets never disappoints us. Icarus Tandem Paragliding is looking forward to sharing the sky and the sunset with you.

Add tandem paragliding to your bucket list

Is tandem paragliding on our bucket list? Well it should be. Contact Icarus Tandem Paragliding so we can share the sky with you and help tick off your bucket list. You will love it. Let us make you scream.

Red Bull gives you Paragliding Wings

Red Bull gives you Paragliding Wings. Max from Red Bull paraglided with Jacques from Signal Hill, never spilling a drop of Red Bull. Thanks for the Red Bull you donated to Icarus Paragliding, we love Red Bull.  

Beautiful weather in Cape Town

We are having such beautiful weather in Cape Town. Book your tandem paragliding flight with us and let our pilots make you scream with some wing-overs.

Beautiful day paragliding in Cape Town

Its a beautiful day paragliding in Cape Town from Signal Hill. Feels like summer is in the air, nothing better thank looking up and seeing paragliders in the sky.